Top 6 Seo Plugins that will boost your SEO

June 14, 2016

In 2016 ON Page is most important part to boost your SEO score. It’s being considered as 80% of total SEO value. If you set good seo properties for your site, this will help you to rank your keywords in search engine more easily.
For better ON Page setup in WordPress there have thousands of SEO Plugins. Don’t mess up all plugins on your site! I found some people use two or more same plugins that work same. Use better one for your website to get better result.

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To get better result, you need clean codes and clean SEO concept before start work with that specific plugins. Highest used plugins with good rating is always good and they consistently upgrade their quality and facility.

Take clear concept before using a single plugins on your site. More plugins you will use on your wordpress site, this will increase your loading time and if plugin code is not compitible with your website coding, this may cause fatal error or bad loading time performance for your website.

We should select best plugins from good SEO marketers review. Lets check some SEO plugins related to SEO. These are being considered as best SEO plugins 2016.

All In One SEO Pack: Search Engine bot or Crawler takes information from meta properties. We include meta properties in the header of the page coding. But entering in website coding and adding meta for that specific page is always time worthy work.

To avoid hassle to add meta data in our page header “All In One SEO Pack” is best plugins. This awesome plugins helps to add meta title, meta description and we can modify our page link from this custom setting.

To optimize a specific page based on a keyword, this tool helps a lot. You can check your SEO score for that specific page based on that keyword. This seo Plugins helps to check keyword density, keyword prominency , keyword in title, keyword in URL and more.

This plugins will give instruction how to use keyword in image alt tag and will inform you if you forget to make an inbound link on your content.

All In One SEO Pack coding is clean and SEO friendly. An expert team always research and upgrade new version of All In One SEO Pack. As they are selling premium version, so you can expect a professional SEO service from their product.

The more important part they upgraded recently I noticed, if you use a keyword for a page or post first time, you will be notified this keyword is already used on another page or post. This helps to avoid confilction on your keywords.
Because if you use same keyword for 2 or more pages, search engine bot will be confused, which page have better content , which page should be ranked ! Because both page have same keyword!

All In One SEO Pack Download

WP Content Copy Protection : WP Content Copy Protection is a plugins that will help you to protect your content from stealing. There are lot of spammer online who steal content from visiting others site and publish your content to their site.

Tough google hates this kind of activity, but you have to aware about protecting your site content. If you publish your content and another spammer do copy paste of your content and make that indexed by using indexer plugins before you, google might consider your original content as copy paste of that.

So we should take care of our cotent from being copied. WP Content Copy Protection is the best plugins for WP users to protect his content. Spammer won’t able to perform right click and copy from your website page.

Features of the plugins:
√ Disables right click context menu on all content (except href links)
√ Disables text selection (globally) on PC and mobile devices
√ Disables text and image drag/drop/save on PC and mobile devices
√ Basic image protection (image link URL’s are automatically removed)
√ Copy methods disabled from onscreen keyboard and shortcut context key
√ Secures your uploads directory and sub-directories from public access
√ Disables right click and save function on default video and audio embeds
√ Javascript validation (displays error message when disabled in user browser)
√ Disables keyboard copy controls (CTRL A, C, X) – Windows only
√ Disables ‘Source view’, ‘Save Page’, and ‘Print’ key functions
√ Disables f shortcut key for accessing developer tools to view source code
√ No obtrusive popups or alert messages as they are known to defame your site
√ No negative side-effects on your SEO (search engines can read your content)
√ This is a non resource-intensive plugin that works silently in the background
√ No configuration, customization or coding needed. Simply plug in and leave

WP Content Protection Download 

Backlink Indexer : Backlink Index is another important SEO Plugins for WordPress users. They have customized API system integrated. If you use this plugins, their own bot software will check your website daily and automatically will send request to search engine for indexing your new post.

Doing proper ON Page SEO and indexing them properly on search engine always ensure better SEO result. We have to use this awesome plugins to avoid our content steal by spammer. Index earlier in search engine ensure quick result.

More quick you will index your post, there have more chance to get traffic more quick to your web site. As we depend on search engine for traffic, so we must should index our post quick.

Backlink is a support for your content, More quality backlink you have , your content will be more strong and will be ranked on Search Engine quick.

Backlink Indexer Download

WP Super Cache : WP Super Cache is another important plugins for SEO. If you are a marketer and thinking to get good SEO value from search engine, than you must have to use this important SEO Plugins to your site.

This ensure caching for your website and make quick loading of your website. This plugins helps visitor to download a cache copy to their browser and when they again visit the site, site will be load from the browser cache.

Java Script and some other general codes browser can cache, this helps quick browse any website. If a visitor visits 5 page from a web site. Browser will download the javascript and other scripts same in every page.

So few content will load from internet and few from browser cache. So your traffic or visitor will experience a super fast loading speed for your site.

When a website take high loading time , it can be more than 5sec, traffic quite that tab and find new website to get that specific information. This increase bounce rate of your site. Bounce rate reffer, how many percent traffic exit your website before loading the site properly.

So we have to take care of our site loading speed by installing WP Super Cache Plugins.

WP Super Cache

Contact Form 7 : Contact Form 7 is another good plugins for communicating with traffic or visitor. Your traffic is your hero. You must should take care of their requirement. You must have to hear from them, what update they want and what will make them happeir!

To make your website visitor more engaging , you must have to read their want via mail or comment system. This will help you to fullfill their requirement easily. Contact from 7 is very easy to integrate on your website. Just install the plugins and add a shortcode to your contact page. That’s it!

Interaction with traffic always ensure better sale for a website owner. So proper use of contact form always will help to get better SEO facility also.

Contact Form 7

Custom Share Buttons with Floating Sidebar : Making backlink for your post is prohibited now a days by google. Because webmasters do spam links to get ranked on search engine. But for getting traffic in a post you need to share your posts in different websites.

Thus social sharing is important for getting good SEO result. If you add custom social sharing button in your website. People will sponteniously share your post to their social account. This will bring some quick traffic to your website.

More people will share, you will get more traffic. But for doing this, you must need to publish a killer content that is sharalbe, people should think it is valuable. And you need “Custom Share Buttons with Floating Sidebar” Plugins so they can easily share your content to their social account!

Custom Share Buttons with Floating Sidebar

Mail Chimp : Mail Chimp allow your user to get instant notification, when you make new post on your website. This helps to get some instant traffic for your new post. No need to find new traffic! Your existing traffic will re-visit your site again from their mail notification.

People will able to subscribe your website, if you install this awesome plugins. They will get notification everytime you made new post.

Final Words : To boost your seo, you must install these awesome plugins first. Proper use of these plugins will help you to get some traffic to your website stress free. Getting traffic from any social network help to engage on your site easily. This bring SEO ranking easily.
Now –a-days social sites have great value on SEO. If you install social SEO share and Comment plugins, people will able to engage on your website with their social account. More engagement on your site decrease your website loading time and help to increase SEO ranking.

So we recommend, after installing wordpress on your web hosting, install these essential plugins also to get premium SEO service for free!

Posted In:  blog
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1 Comment
  • Great post. I ‘m facing a couple of these difficulties.

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