How To Stop Spam Registration In WordPress Website 2017

December 10, 2016
Top 6 Essential WordPress Plugins That Helps To Stop Spamming

WordPress is a giant CMS (Content Management System) platform and millions of WordPress developer are working to push WordPress ahead. And thus spammer’s also analyzed a lot – how they can get SEO facility from others WordPress website without doing anything. This is the reason, We get huge spam registration in our WordPress site often. In this review post, We will write about some important WordPress security plugins that will assist you stopping spam user registration to your WordPress website. WordPress plugin is a great weapon that always assists you to protect any kind fraud activity happening on your website.

Plugins always give extra facility you want on your WordPress theme. We will list some important security plugins that can help you protecting spam registration and spam comment as well.If you read the features of that specific plugins, this will help you to understand each and everything about that specific plugins. Most of the plugins have compatibility issue and people do not want any broken link issue on their website. If you install plugins that do not work on your site, this can increase your website loading speed as well as stop some function also. So you have to use recently updated WordPress plugins that have good customer review and most of them are positive.

Top 6 Essential WordPress Plugins That Helps To Stop Spamming

WPForms – User Registration Addon: WPForms is a popular user registration system that helps you to set every single rule, you want on your WordPress website. You can add user activation system via email or an administrator can approve new user manually. This will help you identify every single user perfect for your website. You can integrate your user data with your MailChimp, AWeber or GetResponse also. This extends your email marketing facility as well. WPForms helps you creating every single field you want on your WordPress Registration box and helps you creating a robust user account.

WPForms – User Registration Addon Download

Stop Spammers Spam Prevention : A great way to stop any kind of spam like trackback, remove spam comment, protect spam through the contact form and stop spam registration as well. can stop login from any country and protect spam and malicious login as well. More than 12 different pages help you configuring your plugins at your demand. Three different captcha system helps you to protect robot commenting or robot login also. You can use google reCaptcha, OpenCaptcha or SolveMedia Captcha to prevent any kind of spam activity on your WordPress Website. Stop Spammers Spam Prevention can be integrated with Gravity Forms and bbPress also.

Stop Spammers Spam Prevention Download

Sucuri Security Plugin: A useful way to prevent malware attack on your website. This ensures top security for your web site – File Integrity Monitoring, Effective Security Hardening, Security Notifications, Security activity audit logging, remote malware scanning, post-hack security action and blacklist monitoring are some best service of this marvelous WordPress Plugin. Video tutorial added to plugin page that assists you understanding the plugin functions easily.

Sucuri Security Plugin Download

WangGuard Security WP: You can protect sploggers and spam users using this marvelous plugin. This is compatible with WordPress 4.0 or higher version and platform like BuddyPress and bbPress. You can protect spam comments using blacklisted words and stop registering using registration notice. This will help you protecting maximum spam activity on your website.

WangGuard Security WP Plugin Download

Profile Press Plugin: This is a shortcode base WordPress Plugins that assist you to build custom login and registration page. You can add your customized fields to protect spam login. This works with 4.0 WordPress version or higher version as well. Custom shortcodes help to use this marvelous plugin with ease and comfort. Login, register, and password reset page are three necessary pages that will help you to protect spam user on your website.

Profile Press Plugin Download

WP-SpamShield Anti-Spam – All-in-One Spam Protection: If you do not like using captcha system on your website, but want to protect spam user. You can set intelligent questions on your website, any kind of question and answer you can set on your website and this will help you protecting your website from a spammer. WP-SpamShield Anti-Spam – All-in-One Spam Protection has good user experience and most of the happy user left a good comment on plugins page that helps other people to find this plugin helpful for them.

WP-SpamShield Anti-Spam – All-in-One Spam Protection

Final Words: In a nutshell, we listed top 6 way to protect spammers on your website. You can use any single way to make your site protected and increase the security as well. You should use the latest version of plugin and WordPress version also. This will give you perfect protection from a spammer. Most effective way to protect spammer is to create your personal registration page and login page as well. Embed intelligence question on it, so that no robot can guess your question and answer. This will help you to make a secure WordPress website.

Posted In:  blog Technology Tutorial

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