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How To Create eCommerce Website Using Free WordPress Theme 2017
How To Create eCommerce Website Using Free WordPress Theme 2017
Creating an eCommerce website is a matter of a minute if you know how to create an eCommerce website. Even you do not know how to create an eCommerce website, I am here to assist you learning building eCommerce website. I created a video tutorial that will help you to build an eStore from scratch. There are lots of WordPress theme that will help you creating eCommerce website easily. We have used Clean Commerce WordPress theme that is completely free and assists you developing eCommerce theme effortlessly. You can use “Ramble – Multi-Concept Blog, Magazine And Shop WordPress Theme” that is eCommerce ready WordPress theme as well. Ramble has blog feature and all other feature available that helps you create stunning WordPress theme effortlessly.
How To Create Password Protected Page or Post In WordPress Without Plugin

Creating password protected page or post in WordPress always helps you securing your content. Any type of content you create – text content, video content, audio content, If you want to secure. This step by step post will help you creating password protected WordPress page or post. You do not need to use any plugin or extension to create password protected page. WordPress has default options to create password protected page or post. When you publish a content, you have three different visibility setting that helps you creating private or public page or post.
How To Create Secured Password Protected Page or Post
Log In To Dashboard
Login to your WordPress dashboard with your admin user ID & password. This will give you full functional access on your WordPress website. If you do not log in with admin user ID or you have limited access on that WordPress website as WordPress subscriber ID. You might not get the option to create any post. So step number one is log in with an admin access.
How To Add Custom Scrollbar In WordPress Using Plugin
How To Add Custom Scrollbar In WordPress Using Plugin
Using a custom scrollbar plugin helps you integrating scroll down specific text area or image area into the page or post. When you need to set long content in a small box or content area, you can use Custom Scrollbar plugin to add scrolling content on your website. You need to install ” custom scrollbar WordPress plugin ” & add shortcode generating from custom scrollbar plugin. This will help you integrating custom scroll area on your website. If you follow this video tutorial, you will able to learn each & everything about custom scrollbar plugin. This is super easy to use & compatible with lastest WordPress version as well.
Download Custom Scrollbar Plugin
Top 7 Must Have WordPress Plugins For Your Blog
Top 7 Must Have WordPress Plugins For Your Blog
To get more SEO advantage and facility from your website, you should install some plugins that will increase your site security as well as SEO benefit. In this video post, you will get the suggestion of some popular SEO plugins and security plugins as well that will help you a lot and you should install must. Without proper care of best SEO properties, you will not receive proper advantage from your website. This is the reason we suggest to install these plugins when you start your WordPress website.
All of the plugin shown in the video are free and help you getting extra facility from your WordPress website. If you install them, you will get hassle-free WordPress website. Watch the video and take proper step to secure your website and increase SEO value together.
How To Stop Spam Registration In WordPress Website 2017

WordPress is a giant CMS (Content Management System) platform and millions of WordPress developer are working to push WordPress ahead. And thus spammer’s also analyzed a lot – how they can get SEO facility from others WordPress website without doing anything. This is the reason, We get huge spam registration in our WordPress site often. In this review post, We will write about some important WordPress security plugins that will assist you stopping spam user registration to your WordPress website. WordPress plugin is a great weapon that always assists you to protect any kind fraud activity happening on your website.
Plugins always give extra facility you want on your WordPress theme. We will list some important security plugins that can help you protecting spam registration and spam comment as well.If you read the features of that specific plugins, this will help you to understand each and everything about that specific plugins. Most of the plugins have compatibility issue and people do not want any broken link issue on their website. If you install plugins that do not work on your site, this can increase your website loading speed as well as stop some function also. So you have to use recently updated WordPress plugins that have good customer review and most of them are positive.
Top 6 Essential WordPress Plugins That Helps To Stop Spamming
WPForms – User Registration Addon: WPForms is a popular user registration system that helps you to set every single rule, you want on your WordPress website. You can add user activation system via email or an administrator can approve new user manually. This will help you identify every single user perfect for your website. You can integrate your user data with your MailChimp, AWeber or GetResponse also. This extends your email marketing facility as well. WPForms helps you creating every single field you want on your WordPress Registration box and helps you creating a robust user account. Read More
Things You Should Know Before You Change Your WordPress Theme
Changing the WordPress theme is a donkey task and there have huge possibilities to lose your data maximum time. You can lose your tracking as well, thus we suggest you to make a checklist of necessary data,You should take a backup before you proceed changing your WordPress Theme. This will help you to recover your necessary data even you delete that data permanently. Most of the WordPress theme layout is similar,but few WordPress theme comes with a unique design. Sometimes theme designer creates single page WordPress theme, whether rest of the theme developer building multi-page WordPress theme.This increase confusion and sometimes you lose your data that is impossible to undone sometimes.
If you have good web hosting with enough space, you can generate theme backup often. This is a good trick to keep your website secure always. This helps not to restore only the theme data, this also ensures repair your database information as well. When someone tells the importance of backup in web or physically, most of the people understand database backup. Taking database backup is a good thing, but in this tutorial, we will include some points – what should you do before you change your WordPress Theme. This ensures protecting your site data and you can place your data in expected area in case you lose that section. Read More
21 Things You Should Check Before Buy a WordPress Theme from Themeforest!

Before purchase a best WordPress theme for your business or blog website you must have to follow a best checklist that will ensure better purchase of your WordPress theme. Selling WordPress theme for years in different marketplace made me experienced, what customers really looks for buying a best WordPress theme.
Its really hard task to find a best match theme for my niche. In marketplaces like ThemeForest and MojoTheme , there are thousands of theme fits when search for a theme. Choosing the best theme from them is really a confusing work for maximum.
Searching for best wordpress theme? SoftHopper Released Ramble MultiPurpose Magazine Theme with 100 Plus Layout. Check it here!
As Premium WordPress theme Seller on ThemeForest, we know it’s really frustrating for both, if you choose wrong theme for your business or blog. Theme author fails to satisfy his customer and customer want facilities that not included on theme.
Step by Step WordPress Setup Guide with Screenshot

WordPress Setup Guide with Screenshot
If you are searching for the best CMS (Content Management System) for building your dynamic website, than WordPress can be your best choice. Because this is the most easiest CMS to build a site easily. A site stands for your content or media like text , image , video’s and audio’s etc. You can manage these all kind of content easily and with less effort if you use WordPress CMS to build up your website.
Searching for best wordpress theme? SoftHopper Released Ramble MultiPurpose Magazine Theme with 100 Plus Layout. Check it here!
Step by Step Guide to Recover WordPress Password from Control Panel

Nevertheless to say WordPress is most used CMS (Content Management System) in the world. As Web-Developer we use WordPress to save time and minimize our hardship. This wonderful CMS have highest and easiest features than any other CMS. We use different user-name and password for us or for our clients.
Searching for best wordpress theme? SoftHopper Released Ramble MultiPurpose Magazine Theme with 100 Plus Layout. Check it here!
But the worst thing is when we forget the password, even user ID and Email address used for registration. We even do not know – we are using wrong user name or password. Trying several times with wrong password or ID – may block your site login for an hour or more.
How To Create NewsPaper Website In WordPress From Scratch 2019
How To Create NewsPaper Website In WordPress From Scratch 2019
Building a NewsPaper website using WordPress is super easy and you just need 5 minutes to setup everything. WordPress is user-friendly CMS that ensure easy customization and maintenance by non-technical people as well. If you already know what WordPress is! we better move how to create a newspaper website using WordPress platform. When you install WordPress on your hosting, you are ready to create a newspaper website as well. We will build newspaper website using ColorMag WordPress theme that is free. But ColorMag has paid version as well that is full with more features and functionality. You can check them and pick the perfect one for you. Read More